It feels like it's been a while since I shared an update on what's going on here in a while- mostly because not much has been going on up until now (apart from zoom meetings- which by now the novelty has really worn off).
The past two weeks I've been dealing with a nagging hip issue. Day one it was very tight in my hip flexor extending to my quad, but bearable, but by day three-ish I was having trouble walking without discomfort. So the past two weeks have been a mixed bag of working out on it when it's not acting up, getting treatment, and lots of cross-training to supplement. Instead of having running as an outlet to help break up the day I finally felt the quarantine caged in feeling creeping in. Our convertible one-bedroom apartment finally started driving me crazy. So after a few too many days of being inside too much, I decided to start taking the
bike out for my cross-training.

Living within a little over a mile from the capital crescent path, a paved
Since the start of "lockdown", I can honestly say I've never seen the trail system busier. Families out in mobs, people running, some walking, kids on leashes. You would never guess we're in the midst of a pandemic.
If anything riding my bike during this time has been a crash course in learning to be a better cyclist, especially when it comes to passing people and being very aware of my surroundings because people have zero self-awareness. My favorite thing though about biking right now is a close tie between dropping middle-aged men who try to pass me and the people watching.
On my twenty-mile out and back today I saw some interesting characters including but not limited to the following:
a man running barefoot wearing jean shorts and pushing a baby stroller
a Parrot riding on a man's backpack
a woman wearing one of those Chewbacca masks, the kind that makes noise- which it was- clearly more effective than a regular mask
a man riding his bike blasting a boombox while only wearing white fruit of the loom underwear (this guy's actually a regular- I used to see him in Georgetown all the time)

The last big news on deck is that we're moving! It might seem like a weird time, but a unit in our building opened up that we're had our eyes on, and with so much time on our hands moving doesn't feel like such an inconvenience. By May 14th I'll be blogging from a grade new apartment.
Well, that's all that's up here. Fingers crossed we're back to normal soon- running-wise at least.